This is the biggest musical event that would continue to reverberate in the nation’s music scene for a long time to come,”,echoed one of the attendees, Bakare Michael, and he was not wrong. This year’s edition of the prestigious of All Africa Music Awards, AFRIMA, would go down in history as one of the biggest things that ever happened to the nation’s vibrant music scene. The awards night was not only meant for the celebration of the music stars, but also the showcasing of the cultural heritage of the black race to the rest of the world.
AFRIMA Red Carpet |
KSA gets chummy with security operatives King Sunny Ade (KSA) who was one of the music legends honoured for their hard work in putting African music on the global charts had a terrible experience at the event. The juju music exponent’s attempt to shun walking the red carpet got him face to face with his fans, including security operatives who accosted and made him to exchange pleasantries with them. As he walked on the periphery of the red carpet trying to get backstage, a lot of people were shouting “KSA, the great king”and jostling for his attention.
There were also some security operatives, made up of soldiers and police officers, who were stationed at that point to keep troublemakers at bay. The security guys also joined in hailing KSA, and just like a magnet meeting steel, the King of music paused, turned and went to the officers. He made sure he exchanged handshakes with all of them before he resumed sharing platitudes with the remaining ‘civilian’ fans.
‘I respect security operatives very much. They do a lot to keep us safe. Thank you,” KSA said, subtly explaining his reason for being preferential towards the uniformed men.
Meanwhile, the multiple Grammy Awards nominee also won the Special Recognition Award. Immediately his name was mentioned, the audience erupted in shouts and claps, confirming his popularity among the crowd.
Brymo pays homage to KSA in songs
Another memorable moment at the event was when former Chocolate City’s artiste, Brymo, mounted the stage and gave a wonderful rendition of King Sunny Ade’s songs after the legend was given a Special Recognition Award. KSA who was decorated with the Nigerian flag while on stage could not hold back, as he made some powerful dance steps to the admiration of the audience. He commended the efforts of AFRIMA for recognizing him and for creating an international platform for Africans to showcase their works through music.
King Sunny Ade,Derenle and a hostess. |
Papa Wemba’s wife goes dumb on stage!
While the ovation was loud, Maria Rosa, wife of the late Congolese rumba star, Papa Wemba, and her daughter who attended the event, shocked everyone. They climbed the stage to receive the award on behalf of the departed singer, but to the surprise of everyone, Wemba’s widow immediately went dumb on stage, following deep emotions of sadness and grief, leaving her daughter to do the talking. The daughter explained that her mother was overwhelmed by emotions and could not talk. She thanked Africa as a whole for supporting the family during and after the death of Papa Wemba.
The daughter later performed a rendition of one of her late father’s favourite songs. The music legend died after collapsing in a festival in Abidjan, Ivory Coast in April, this year.
Meanwhile, just as Brymo paid homage to KSA in songs, Tanzanian heartthrob, Nasib Abdul popularly known as Diamond Platinumz was given the opportunity to pay tribute to the Congolese music legend, Papa Wemba and he did not disappoint. He stepped on the stage dressed exactly the way Papa Wemba was dressed on the day he passed away while performing in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. It was an emotional performance that got touched every soul in the hall.
Manu Dibango gets first accolade as a music legend
Eighty two-year-old Cameroonian saxophonist and vibraphone player, Manu Dibango, who flew into the country from Paris, to pick his award was another moment that would not be forgotten in hurry by those that graced the event. Nicknamed ‘The Lion of Cameroon’, Dibango was glad that he was receiving his first award in history. He was recognized for developing a music style fusing jazz, funk and traditional Cameroonian music.
Wizkid missing in action
That Ayodele Balogun, aka Wizkid, has had an awesome year is stale and sour news. The young singer started 2016 hobnobbing with heavyweight international stars, and he is ending the year with multiple awards. It would be recalled that he picked up three trophys at the MTV Africa Music Awards (MAMA) about two weeks ago, and last weekend, he also grabbed the Best African award at the MTV Europe Music Awards. This was in addition to the Artiste of the Year mantle he was handed at AFRIMA.
However, contrary to many people’s expectations, the superstar artiste did not turn up at the awards ceremony which held literally in his backyard.
Meanwhile, his manager, Sunday Are, was in the premises of the Eko Hotels and Suites where the event took place, and he never bothered to acknowledge the award. It is also interesting to note that Wizzy hasn’t said anything about his AFRIMA win on his social media pages. He has uploaded posts about MAMA, MTV Europe, MOBO and others on Instagram. But he is yet to say anything about AFRIMA.
Whatever the cause may be for his absence and silence, it is important for Wizkid to acknowledge the award as it is the practice internationally. Except he doesn’t want it!
Low moments at AFRIMA
Beyond the hype, glamour and attention that preceded AFRIMA 2016, one blemish that characterized the award ceremony was the unprecedented madness experienced on the red carpet. From the red carpet to the awards presentation, and performances, it was indisputably a gathering of stars that would not be forgotten in a hurry. Though the organizers aren’t new to the business, but the red carpet flaw clearly surpassed the positive sides of the occasion.
Zina Challe |
Obscenity and nakedness
Female celebrities are known for always wanting to be the cynosure of all eyes at any event they attend, and this was what informed the dress most female celebrities wore to this year’s AFRIMA. To the surprise of the onlookers, a lady whose identity was unfortunately unknown, stepped out in a very revealing outfit. In what many would describe as naked and obscene, she was dressed in a black-flowing lace dress without any sign of her wearing a pant or bra. But beyond the shortcoming, this year’s AFRIMA was a huge success and one hopes that the organizers would sustain the tempo next year.
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